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The Idea Club
September 2012
David Searns speaking at Staffing World

David will be discussing Three Strategies to Get Past "We're not hiring!"

Brad Smith also speaking at Staffing World

Brad will be discussing The Single Most Effective Tool for Driving Traffic to Your Website

Staffing World 2012
Get Marketing Advice...
On Us!

Contact us today if you'd like a one-on-one consultation on your marketing during ASA -- 1.888.696.2900.

Haley Marketing will also be speaking at the following upcoming conferences:

2012 Healthcare Staffing Summit

Alternative Staffing Alliance National Conference

California Staffing Professionals Owner's Retreat
Haley Marketing Group

Overcoming the Price Objection

Hi Reader, download your free eBook!

Overcoming the Price Objection: download your free eBook!
Your price is too high!

How many times have you heard it before? "So and so can do it for less." So how do you get employers to see the value of your services? Start by following the simple steps outlined in this month's eBook.

> Get your eBook now
Our Next Webinar
Lunch with Haley Staffing World 2012 Recap
Thursday, October 25, 2012 at 2 p.m. EDT
Staffing World 2012 is just a few weeks away. And this year's conference promises to be one of the biggest ever! If you’re going, please stop by to say "hello." If not, make plans to attend our next Lunch with Haley webinar where we'll bring you the highlights of the show and lessons for your staffing business.

Reserve your seat today!
Social Media Buzz
Ask Haley Blog The following are the most read posts on our Ask Haley blog this month:
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Hi Reader,

Back to school time isn't just for the kids!

After a long, hot summer, it's time to re-focus and re-energize your sales and marketing efforts.

If you'd like some specific ideas for your firm, just give us a call. We'd be happy to share some ideas that will help ignite your staffing sales.

Best regards,

David Searns | CEO, Haley Marketing | 1-888-696-2900
How Can We Help?
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Haley Marketing | PO Box 410 | Williamsville, NY 14231-0410 | 716-631-8981
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