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SMART IDEAS Weekly, issue #1

Weekly inspiration for the staffing industry

ISSUE #1  |  October 14, 2023

New this Week:

• A weekly newsletter?

• Sell bandages to a bleeding man

• Upcoming Smart Training


Are you out of your (blank, blank, blank) mind? 

Who has time to read a weekly newsletter?  

Who has time to write one? 

Yeah, that’s how I reacted when Jeff Staats, our CMO, suggested that we transition our BIG IDEAS newsletter. I thought he was crazy. 

For 27 years, Haley Marketing has provided monthly ideas to help level the playing field for small to midsize staffing companies. We’ve provided thousands of ideas to drive sales, improve recruiting, and address nearly all things marketing. 

But the times have changed. 

You…and I…are busier than ever. We have more calls to make. Zoom meetings to attend. And an endless inbox of email to answer.  

On top of that, there’s more pressure to deliver results. 

That’s exactly why you are reading issue #1 of our SMART IDEAS Weekly. 

You need ideas to help strengthen your staffing company. Ideas to boost sales. Ideas to help you compete. And you don’t have time to waste.  

Each Saturday morning, you’ll receive one actionable idea…a specific strategy you can immediately put into action to help your business grow. 

Ready to get started?

SMART IDEA #1: Sell bandages to a bleeding man

It’s no secret that selling staffing got a lot harder in 2023. Job orders are down an average of 10%. Buyers are harder to reach. And competition is fierce. 

To drive sales, don’t just make more calls. Make smarter calls. 

Before you reach out to a prospect, do a little homework. Figure out where they are bleeding—or at least where they are likely to be bleeding based on what’s going on in their industry or in your local community. 

  • Are sales down in their industry? 

  • Are they facing talent shortages for specific types of skills? 

  • Are they dealing with supply chain issues and pressure to get goods delivered? 

  • Are they struggling with turnover? 

  • Are they experiencing too many no call, no shows? 

  • Is the person you are calling on being pressured to cut costs? Even cut staffing? 

  • It that person’s job on the line if they don’t find a better way to get work done? 

Once you know their biggest pain point (i.e., where they are bleeding), make that pain the focus on your outreach. How? 

  • Drop off a list of ideas for dealing with that pain point. 

  • Email a case study of a similar company…and how you helped address that pain. 

  • Record a video talking about the pain points of similar companies you serve and offer to share the strategies those companies are using to overcome their challenges. 

  • Create an eBook illustrating how staffing services can be used as a tool to drive business results…lowering labor costs, improving productivity, and better managing employment risk. 

A person who is bleeding does not need staffing services. They need a bandage. 

You can be the greatest staffing company in the world, but if you don’t offer the right bandages, it won’t matter to the employer you are calling. 

In this market, employers need staffing partners that know how to solve problems. People problems. Business problems. Even problems those staffing buyers have in meeting their goals. 

So, what bandages can you offer? 


What do you think of the new format? Like it? Hate it? Either way, we’d love to hear. Just click reply and tell us your thoughts.

Have a topic (or challenge) you want us to address? Tell us that too! We’d be happy to provide specific tips for you in future issues of our SMART IDEAS Weekly

Don’t miss our next webinar

Staffing World 2023 Recap

Thursday, October 19, 2023 at 2:00 PM ET

Come hear our top takeaways!

Grab Your Seat


Haley Marketing | PO Box 410 | Williamsville, NY 14231-0410 | 716-631-8981
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