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SMART IDEAS #12: The power of gratitude

Weekly inspiration for the staffing industry

ISSUE #12  |  December 30, 2023

New this Week:

• The power of gratitude.

• Got feedback?

SMART IDEA #12: The power of gratitude.

David Searns | Co-CEO

If you are reading this, I want to share a heartfelt THANK YOU.

I’m writing this edition of Smart Ideas Weekly on Saturday, December 23.

Earlier today, issue #11 went out, and there was a huge (I mean really huge) number of out-of-office replies. Seeing all the names…including many, many people I personally know but have not spoken with in a while…made me feel incredibly thankful.

I am thankful to be connected to so many amazing people.

I am thankful to be part of an industry that does so much good for the world.

I am thankful to be part of a team at Haley Marketing that has made a small impact on so many people and companies in our industry over the past 27 years.

And on a personal note, I am super thankful that all of our kids are headed down to visit with us over the holiday week!

The power of gratitude.

Did you know that being successful is not the key to happiness?

I’m just starting to read The Happiness Advantage by Sean Achor. Sean spent years studying positive psychology and neuroscience. And he completed groundbreaking research at Harvard University about the correlation between success and happiness.

His conclusion?

Working harder and achieving more won’t make you happier.

However, happier people are far more likely to be successful!

Sean recommends prioritizing success, and he identified seven principles that predict success and achievement.

Now, I am only at the beginning of the book, so I can’t tell you a lot about all seven principles. But I can tell you about one thing I am doing that is already making a very positive impact (and a BIG thank you to Victoria Kenward, my Co-CEO, for encouraging our leadership team to do this).

So what is that one thing?

It’s daily gratitude journaling.

Each day, as soon as I get up and before my feet even touch the floor, I grab my journal and write down three things I’m grateful for from the prior day.

Some days, it’s big things…like recognizing people who helped me achieve a goal or resolve a problem, or quality time spent with family and friends.

Other days, it’s little things…like someone simply saying, “thank you,” or a nice comment in an email, or just appreciating a sunny day.

Vicki asked our team to commit to 21 days of gratitude journaling. She said it would actually change how we think.

21 days of gratitude allows you to overcome the constant barrage of negativity we see on the news, in our email, and on social media.

It gets you focused on the positive…on the things that really matter.

21 days can literally change your brain thinks!

For me, Christmas Day will be my 21st day of journaling. I can tell you that this daily habit has already caused me to be more conscious about how I go through each day.

It’s made me more aware of all the good things happening around me.

It’s made me more appreciative of others.

And it has reduced my stress (which I am sure Vicki is grateful for!).

So, on this holiday weekend, I will encourage you to be grateful. Maybe start your own 21-day gratitude journal. Or simply take a moment to stop. Look around. And see all the good that is happening. See the impact you are making on others. And how others are helping you.

As we wrap up 2023 and get ready for the New Year, I want to thank you for reading this newsletter, and I want to wish you health, happiness, and success in 2024!

I’m grateful for you.


What do you think of this issue of SMART IDEAS Weekly? Love it? Hate it? Either way, we’d love to hear. Just click reply and tell us your thoughts.

Have a topic (or challenge) you want us to address?
Tell us that too! We’d be happy to provide specific tips for you in future issues of our SMART IDEAS Weekly.


Haley Marketing | PO Box 410 | Williamsville, NY 14231-0410 | 716-631-8981
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