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SMART IDEA #49: Summit lessons...and VIDEOS

Weekly inspiration for the staffing industry

ISSUE #49  |  September 21, 2024

New this Week:

• Summit lessons and VIDEOS

• Ready to get your own copy?

• Need marketing help?

SMART IDEA #49: Summit lessons...and VIDEOS

David Searns | Co-CEO

What did you think?

Did you enjoy this week’s SMART IDEAS Summit 4?

The feedback has been terrific! Here are a few comments:

"It is so hard to choose just one thing [that I liked best], so I think I will say that it's the variety of topics and presenters...I feel like this year's summit was a wonderful 360-degree overview of tips and tricks!"

"The content is great. Very relevant to the market, great advice. Thanks!"

"Just the wealth of information. It was great to hear from leaders in marketing and staffing companies on trends, AI, marketing and all the things. The content is great. Very relevant to the market, great advice. Thanks!"

In total, more than 1,000 people registered for this event (1,093 to be exact).

Our goal was to put on the biggest, and most impactful, virtual event in the staffing industry. I hope we succeeded!

As promised in the subject line of today’s SMART IDEAS Weekly, I’m going to give you a link to watch all the videos on demand…be patient! (And if that doesn’t work, scroll down!)

However, before you jump to these videos, check out these really valuable lessons I’ve learned from putting on this event for the past four years—lessons that can help you with your sales and recruiting.

8 SMART IDEAS Summit Lessons

1) Think big.

We first created the SMART IDEAS Summit to celebrate Haley Marketing’s 25th birthday. We wanted to do something big to give back to the industry that has given so much to us.

Our goal was to create the biggest—and best—virtual conference in the industry (and this was in 2021 when people were getting tired of virtual events).

2) If you want something, ask!

Each year, we have tried to bring in some of the best names in staffing to this event. Having been around a LONG, LONG time, I know most of these people personally.

But, I’m uncomfortable asking people for favors, and to me, this felt like a big ask…especially with the few people I did not know that well.

To my pleasant surprise (or actually, not a surprise since these are amazing people), everyone I asked to present said “yes!”

We’ve had an A LIST of presenters each and every year!

3) If you build it, they won’t come.

Sorry, Kevin Costner, but the field of dreams is not a thing.

If you build it…and promote the hell out of it, THEN people will come.

In today’s world where we receive an email a minute (and more), it is HARD to get people’s attention—even when you are giving away something awesome.

There’s an adage in advertising that people need to see your ad 21 times for the message to stick. Well, when it comes to promoting your event (or your staffing business), it takes a lot of repetition to get people to act.

4) Great content will draw a crowd.

On the plus side, when you have really good content, and really good presenters, people WILL come.

And you can get a MUCH bigger audience than you can with just about any other means.

At Haley Marketing, we do monthly webinars. We have an excellent podcast. We have this newsletter.

But nothing draws as big a crowd as our SMART IDEAS Summit.

Yes, it’s a lot of work, but when you offer your target audience (that’s you!) something of REAL VALUE, people will take time out of their very busy schedules to join in.

5) It takes a team.

As you might guess, putting on the SMART IDEAS Summit is a lot of work.

We have to plan the content. Invite the speakers. Develop a promotional plan (email, social media, paid ads, etc.). Create branding. Design PowerPoint deck templates, Zoom backgrounds, and email signatures. Write PR. And get our entire team to promote the event.

No one person could do this alone. And I am incredibly grateful to have a very talented team to help out with all the marketing efforts.

Thank you to Becca, Emily, Erin, Heather, Kelly, Liza, Magezi, Mandy, Michelle, Rachel, and Susan for all your work on this year’s event. And all the other Team Haley members who helped in years past.

6) Keep score.

Our goal this year was to get 1,000 registered attendees for the SMART IDEAS Summit.

Every week, Magezi posted an update to our team in Slack showing where we were…and how this year compared to last year.

Having that public scoreboard kept us all focused on our goals.

7) Persistence pays.

It was not easy. And we did not achieve our goal until the day before the event, but we did it.

As I noted above, we hit 1,093 registered attendees for the SMART IDEAS Summit.

That’s a LOT of people. And a lot of value we were able to deliver.

8) Being helpful is good for sales.

The SMART IDEAS Summit is not a sales pitch for Haley Marketing—I mean, who would sit in on a 7 hour long sales pitch?

Our intent is to provide meaningful value to every person in attendance.

Hopefully, we succeeded.

But this event was also good for business. We had one of our best weeks ever for inbound sales leads, and it may be just a coincidence, but more signed agreements have come in this week than any other week this year.

Lessons for you

Do you need your own SMART IDEAS Summit?

Maybe. Or maybe not.

But whether or not you want to create your own virtual event, you can 100% benefit from these lessons.

  • Think big.
  • Ask for what you want.
  • Have a strong plan to promote whatever you do.
  • Give away great ideas—this builds trust and strengthens positioning.
  • Get your team aligned on a common goal.
  • Keep score.
  • Don’t give up.
  • Be helpful. People want to do business with helpful companies.

Okay, I promised access to the recordings.

Here you go:

7 hours. 14 presentations. Priceless ideas.

All for you.

And we’ll (most likely) do it again next year!

GET YOUR OWN COPY (of this newsletter)!

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Haley Marketing | PO Box 410 | Williamsville, NY 14231-0410 | 716-631-8981
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