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SEO 2017 - A Checklist for Staffing and Recruiting Firms


Are your search engine rankings not where you want them to be? Or even worse, are you falling behind your competitors?

SEO is constantly changing, and many of the “best practices” from just a year or two ago no longer work…worse, they may actually be harming your rankings!

So what do staffing firms really need to know (and do) when it comes to SEO?

Our Next Webinar

Staffing Website SEO for 2017

Thursday, May 11 at 2:00 PM EDT


Hi Reader,

Spring has kicked into high gear in Upstate New York. The snow is finally gone, temperatures are rising, and everything is starting to bloom. Yea!

Of course, spring is an ideal time for cleaning things up, and that includes your marketing. Here are a few ideas for you:

  • Clean up bad SEO practices (and replace them with the best practices in this issue of the Idea Club).
  • Spruce up your website to attract more candidates with a new job board, an “apply now” fly-in or more calls to action.
  • Give your sales team some fresh tools to help with their efforts, like new collateral or more social media support.

At Haley Marketing, our Spring Cleaning includes testing the latest marketing technologies, and as you may have seen on our website, we’re trying out chatbots. If you like the idea of having a chat feature on your website, but don’t want to have someone dedicated to monitoring chat 24/7, an automated “bot” may be your ideal website companion (and it’s very affordable!). 

If you'd like to know more about chatbots, SEO, or any other ideas for your marketing Spring Cleaning, give us a call or just reply to this email. We'll be happy to provide specific ideas for your firm.


David Searns
Haley Marketing | 1.888.696.2900 |


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Staffing Websites – Optimizing for ROI

High Velocity Hiring, an Interview with Scott Wintrip

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