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Does a Staffing Company Need a Brochure?

STAFFING EXEC: "David, our company needs a new brochure!"

DAVID: "Why?"

STAFFING EXEC: "Umm, I don't really know. Our current one is kind of old."

Yes, this was a real conversation. And it's one we have fairly often. Many staffing executives believe they need a brochure for no better reason than they don't have one now. Or the current one is old. But that's no reason to invest in a brochure.

Of course, some staffing executives adamantly argue that brochures have no value, and they don't see any reason to create one. But that view is not right either.

So what is the right answer? Do you NEED a brochure?

Well, it depends.

A brochure is not a black or white decision. In fact, there are many reasons why you might want a brochure…and there are many different types of brochures.

Here's how brochures can help you sell:

  • Build Credibility
    When a prospect asks you to "Send me some information," you want to make a positive impression. Not having a brochure (or worse, having a poorly designed one) makes your firm look small and unsophisticated. A well designed brochure demonstrates that your firm is a high quality organization.

  • Control Your Story
    Staffing decisions are typically made by more than one person. During the sales process, you may introduce your firm to one decision maker who then has to convey your story to others. What will they say? A well crafted brochure can ensure your story gets told the way you want it told.

  • Persuade
    How often do you hear "Your price is too high?" Brochures can be a very effective way to prove your value. You can convey statistics, case studies and testimonials in a highly compelling manner.

  • Cross Sell
    A brochure can help your sales team get past the "I didn't know you did that" response you often hear from existing clients. It's an ideal way to introduce clients and prospects to your full range of services.

  • Educate
    Brochures are one of the best ways to teach people when, why and how to use staffing and recruiting services. Through education, you can challenge perceptions, get people to see new ways to use your services, and actually create demand for staffing and recruiting.

  • Create "Bait" to Attract Sales Leads
    Brochures don't have to be about you. Some of the most effective brochures are whitepapers, guides and other educational documents that contain information people value. These brochures can be used as a hook to attract prospects to your firm.

So Do You Need a Brochure?

To find out, ask yourself the following question:

Would some type of marketing collateral help our sales team advance the sales process more efficiently and cost-effectively than they could on their own?

If the answer is "Yes," then you need a brochure.

A Few Examples

Corporate Capabilities Sample

Product Specific Sample

(Vector On Par)
Educational Sample

Adams & Garth
Corporate Capabilities Sample

Talent Hog

Want to See Some or Our Brochures?

Corporate Capabilities Sample

Haley Marketing Company Overview

Product Specific Sample #1

Welcome to HaleyMail
Sample #2

Social Media Guide
Sample #3

Corporate ID
Sample #4


Educational Brochure Sample #1

Marketing Best Practices Guide
Sample #2

Staffing Website Optimization
Sample #3

Creating a Killer Staffing Website

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